How Can You Download and Install Skype?

Skype is a computer program and one of the most prominent Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services in the world, and it is most probably the easiest way to communicate with your friends for free over the internet via text, video, and voice (just like a phone call). Downloading and installing Skype is simple, and free! Your Skype connection can be downloaded and installed in a matter of minutes, and then the fun begins. If you are looking forward to using Skype on your computer, then you must read this article.

For downloading and installing Skype, follow the steps given below:

Go to the Skype website.
Tap on the Download Skype option. You will find it on the home page of Skype’s website.
You will get see a page where you will either be able to sign in or input your information to create your Skype account if you don’t have one.
Note: You can skip the registration if you are signing in via a Microsoft Account or your Facebook account.
You may also tell the Skype what your intentions are to use its service by tapping on the options in the drop-down menu.
You need to create a Skype name you want your Skype friends to see. The system automatically checks to find if the name you have chosen has been claimed by anyone else and, if it has, then the system will suggest alternatives.
For generating a password – Enter the password you want to use and confirm it. It must contain more than 5 and less than 21 characters and should consist of both numbers and letters.
Then finally tap on the I Agree button to continue.
Now another box will appear asking you to Run or Save to your PC. Tap on the Run button.
You will need to check the Run Skype option when the computer starts to enable Skype each time you turn on your computer.
You will also be which language you want to proceed in. Select according to your wish and then tap on the I Agree button.
When the next window opens, you will be asked whether you’d like to have Skype Click to call which will allow you to make a call on the instant numbers mentioned on the websites.
Check Install Skype Click to Call, and then tap on the Continue button.
Now you see a new window opening that contains a progress bar which will fill up while the Skype setup is downloading and installing.
As soon as it’s done, Skype will start automatically.
Now the Skype is available on your computer, and you can find the contacts and start making calls.
We hope this article is going to help you in downloading, installing, and using Skype on your computer.

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